Thursday, November 29, 2007

Health Update

Two days ago I posted I was showing early signs of pneumonia. The antibiotics have quickly addressed the issue. My fever went from a peak of 101 on Tuesday evening, to 99 on Wednesday and normal through most of today.


Unknown said...

Good to hear you've cleared another hurdle!

Louis said...

Glad to hear it, Dave. You certainly didn't need pneumonia on top of everything else. Stay strong and stay "focus"ed, you'll get there!


Ruth said...

Great news, Dave! We've been waiting to hear about your pneumonia complication.You keep fighting, we'll keep praying!

Dana said...

Just wanted to say Hi and let you know I'm thinking about you. Glad to hear the antibiotics got rid of the fever! Positivity and prayer...courage and strength. Keep your spirit shining, Dave -- it's catching. :)

Burt and Linda said...

Dave, we are so glad to hear this! You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Burt and Linda

denisek said...

Dave, Charlie has been keeping me posted of your progress. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Theresa, Elliot and Audrey. I am forwarding this out to the other cousins so they can keep up on your progress.

All our love, Denise and James

Julie said...

Hope you're doing better today, dad said you had it a little rough yesterday. Definitely seems like a moment to moment battle. Just keep praying that there are more ups than downs! Love your blog on charts and goals...glad to know that part of you is back to normal! Where would we be without our "A" personality goals?!
Hang in there, if you don't know it already, always need you here for big brother advice! love you! Julie

Pam said...

Dave, I just finished reading all your web entries. Your faith and obedience to God is strong and an inspiration to me. Sixteen years ago, my Mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer out of the blue. She was given nine months to live. My family was in shock, but we relied heavily on our love for each other and God as well as our faith. My mom chose to fight and not give up and she is now a sixteen year cancer survivor. Sometimes we humans think we know it all and God humbles us.

I continue to include you and Teresa in my daily prayers.

Thank you for sharing your experiences.