Sunday, November 16, 2008

One Year Later

A year ago on Sunday, November the 18th I received my first radiation treatment in the morning and my first chemotherapy in the afternoon. Today, I went to church in the morning with my family, watched some football and enjoyed God's wonderful creation by playing golf on a brisk 50 degree afternoon in Kansas City. What a difference a year makes. I have another PET scan in a few weeks, and all appears to be going as well as anyone could have expected.

I encourage you all to enjoy life and all the little joys it has to offer. The bad stuff comes and goes, but we can all choose our response to the ups and downs of life. Give your family and loved ones a hug. Try not to get caught up in self-centeredness, or seeing things only through your eyes and give others the patience, grace and understanding that strengthens relationships. Relationships matter. Cherish and nuture them. Make a positive difference in someones life -  as often as you can. Just as many of you did for me this past year. Thank you and God bless.
