Monday, February 25, 2008

A Much Better Week

What a difference a week makes. Last week this time I was finally getting my nausea under control, but mentally I was down. I felt like I had taken several steps back. I was not where I hoped to be nearly two months after the end of aggressive radiation and chemo treatments. On the other hand, Theresa reminded me this is the first time in over two years I have not been on pain medication. With the withdrawal from pain medications behind me, my physical health improved through the week.

On Wednesday I had an appointment with my ENT. He was very pleased with my progress. The next visit, March 12, he will take a sample of my lymph node to validate the remaining lump is no longer cancerous. If by chance it is, I will undergo a neck dissection to remove the mass. The ENT also encouraged me to work up to three 3 oz drinks per day and to exercise my tongue by chewing gum. It takes me about two minutes to drink an ounce of Arizona Tea, but its getting easier each day. The gum, on the other hand, is difficult to chew. My tongue is becoming more mobile, but I still cannot move my tongue to the right past the mid-line of my mouth.

On Thursday I met with my radiation oncologist. He confirmed both the mass in the base of my tongue, and the mass in my lymph node have shrunk by 75%. While he won’t yet declare success, he says I am on the trajectory that leads to a successful outcome. He also encouraged me to play my trumpet, which forces me to exercise my tongue. I tried to play once or twice in January, but I was not able to form an embouchure. This time was different. While I have little strength, I am now playing my horn 20 minutes a day. Finally, the doctor agreed to approve increasing my work schedule to three hours a day. I am probably at least a month away from actually going into the office.

I’m anxious to learn what the next few weeks will bring. I feel like I’m on the cusp of more breakthroughs. To give myself the best chance of recovery, I’m currently doing the following activities to improve my physical and mental condition: lifting weights three times a week, walking on the treadmill, sipping fluids, playing my horn, chewing gum, staying away from public places and working 10-15 hours a week. And, in true “Dave” form, I have tracked all of these activities, my nutrition intake and medicines in an Excel spreadsheet.

Talk with you next week!


Lisa Martin said...

Thank you Dave for letting us share in your successes. When I was reading this post, I remembered my Personal Mastery statement I developed sometime ago in one of our ACI classes...To enlighten myself and others to observe the simplicity and beauty of life so that there is a deeper appreciation of God's gifts. And, I realized you do that for me. The simple act of chewing gum is a major accomplishment. I am so thankful to God that you continue to get stronger and better with each passing day. Congrats! Lisa

Louis said...

Dave, thanks for posting this update. With any luck, this long hard winter is nearly behind you, and you'll soon start to feel that rebirth of spring.

Twenty minutes of trumpet at day, that's amazing! You're already practicing more than I am! Look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Unknown said...

You'll be chugging down vats of Gatorade before you know it! :-)

B2S said...

Dave, I'm so glad you're playing the trumpet again! Music has its own healing properties. I was going to suggest whistling as a tongue exercise -- it once helped me -- but the horn is bound to be even better.

Video of Soul Focus was shown at the recent Recognition Ceremony, reminding us of your talent. It's great to read that things are continuing to move in the right direction for you!

Joe J. said...

Beating cancer with Faith, Family, and Friends.....sounds like the premise for a good book. You certainly have a story to tell.

Off pain medication for the first time in over two years!!!! Praise the Lord.

TEDDYH said...

Dave, I'm so glad I found your post. I knew after reading just a few entries that your patience, faith and determination would help you gain the upper hand. I'm confident that if you "coach" yourself like you did so many of us then you will turn this battle into "easy-pizza." I anxiously await to hear of your continued recovery. I'm proud of YOU!!! God bless you and your family, Ted Heater, Jr.

Unknown said...

Hi Dave,
I'm so glad to hear how much you are improving!
I'm curious about taste returning. I can imagine you sneaking in a Mountain Dew? I could bring you some flavor-bursting gum?? :O)
Playing the horn again has to be exciting. just keep improving every day and soon you'll be recording again!

mtw said...

Three cheers from California!

Thanks for the update and sharing your good news. Paul and I are keeping you in our prayers.

Meanwhile, keep chewing, treadmilling and trumpeting. It's all good!

(And, I can just see that Excel spreadsheet now!)

Mary Witwer

Karen said...

Dave, your comment about the excel spreadsheet gave me a good chuckle. I'm so happy to hear of your successes. Maybe you could see fit to post a graph of your progress ;-)