The type and location of my cancer results in a high reliance on radiation treatment. The tumor is primarily located in the right side base of my tongue, but it does cross over the midline into the left side as well. This renders the tumor inoperable. It is not uncommon for tumors in the base of the tongue to be declared inoperable. The cancer has also spread to one lymph node in my neck.
The protocol is for six radiation treatments each week for six weeks. This will consist of daily treatments Monday through Thursday and two treatments each Friday. Chemotherapy is scheduled for day one and day 22 of the protocol.
I report at 8:45 AM Sunday morning November 18th for my first radiation treatment. Once radiation is complete, I will be admitted to NKC Hospital where the initial dose of chemotherapy will be administered. If all goes well I will be released sometime on Monday.
I know this will not be an easy journey, but I am excited to get this fight underway, grow from this experience and observe God's loving hand.
Theresa and I have been overwhelmed by the cards, emails, phone calls and home visits you have all given to provide us support. We deeply appreciate your prayers and thoughts.