A quick update as of Tuesday evening.
First, I've included a picture of me preparing for radiation treatment. This will help you gain a sense of the experience, including the mesh mask that snaps tightly over my head and neck. The daily treatments last a little over 15 minutes. The choking feeling I initially had when snapped into the mask is abating as I become more familiar with this procedure. The protocol calls for six treatments a week (two on Friday) for six weeks. I am currently two days into the second week of radiation treatments.
Second, I've developed early signs of pneumonia. I'm on antibiotics, which are helping me fight a low grade fever. We caught this early, and hope to put this risk at bay in the next day or so.
I'm reading the words to the Take 6 song, "If we never needed the Lord before (we sure do need him now)." It's one of those songs that has meaning every day, but especially now as each day is different and unexpected and punctuated with uncertainty. You're on my prayer list, way up at the top. Thank you for sharing your journey.
"We need Him when we're happy, We need him when we're sad, We need him when we're burdened, Just to make our hearts feel glad. We need him every day and every hour."
Maria Steinacker
This picture truly captures the magnitude of the process leading to your victory over cancer and a healthy future. I am truly amazed at your courage...keep it going!
I keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep fighting!!!
Kathy Jantsch
Hi Dave!
Thanks for the photo. I couldn't really picture what you were talking about before. Now I can certainly see why you would choke with that thing strapped to your head.
Speaking of choking, did you and the family watch KU play your Tigers Saturday? I could empathize better with you after the game... I felt really, really sick! :-)
Seriously, I'm glad that the sensation is abating since I know that's been a very unpleasant addition to the whole process. And hopefully the antibiotics kick in fast. You don't need pneumonia on top of radiation and chemo sickness!
Keep hangin' in there! And let us know how we can help.
God's peace you guys.
Hey Dave-
Just found out about your diagnosis and treatment. I'll keep up with the blog. Here's one of my favorite (and one of the shortest!) Psalms verses to mediate on when heading inside that big ol' metal tube: Be still and know that I am God. I love that one even though I've never been in a big metal tube. What amazing power in all these thoughts and prayers headed your way! Peace.
Marty Wall
Hi David, I'm trying to see if I can get this posted. I'm not real techi. I pray you are doing well. I'm with you all the way. It helped me to just set goals for each day. My prayers and love to you - Jackie Horn
Just a note to let you know that you and your family are in our thoughts and definitely in our prayers! If there is anything that Mike and I can do to help out, especially this time of year, please do not hesitate to let me know.
I know that you are going through a rough time. If it helps at all, think about working on the automated phone system and the little old lady from Kansas that Bob always talked about. For some reason it always brings a smile to my face!
Hang in there! You are one of the strongest people I know. Draw on that strength and beat this!
Kristy Vetter
Dave, Thanks for the blog, the picture captures it.
Keep swinging brother, as there are a whole lot of people in your corner with you in this fight.
Keep at it,
Tony V.
PS It is always darkest before the dawn (Churchill).
Hi Dave. Thanks for your latest post. And thank you for allowing us the privilege of joining you on this journey, at least vicariously and through prayer for you and the family.
I just had lunch with a dear brother-in-Christ who got in the 'life trials' line several times. He is a Pastor and a blogger. Lots of good heart-check info here. http://eye4redemption.blogspot.com/
And in our conversation today we hit upon the simple truth, 'Hope is the Truth.' Each word rings with importance. And it is despite what the so-called experts say, what the pundits claim, or what our own worldly-grounded sensibilities tell us.
"(For)I can do all things through Christ which strenghteneth me." Philippians 4:13
Steve W.
dave keep your head going that , thatnk your for your picture it is very inspiring, You will be stronger and stronger by the day. God blessed all of us with your friendship.
Missing you
I hope you don't mind...my mom (Pam Tucker) gave me your blog address at my request. I've been thinking a lot about you and your family and will continue to pray for yall. I'm a nurse at St. Jude and am very familiar with some of the treatments you are going through...I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. What a testimony of God's unending faithfulness you and the church as a whole have been during some very difficult years. Thanks for sharing your story. I pray for the best for you and your family!
Teresa Street
The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1
Dave and T, what a wild ride! You are ever-present in my prayers and I know that as you're attacked by this crazy cancer, our God is bigger than any disease and can and will annihilate it. As the Veggie Tales characters say, "My God's Bigger Than the Boogie Man". I am confident in His word, His promises and His healing power. He loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die in redemption for your sins and He knows exactly what you're going through. Most importantly, He is right there with you. When time get hard, remember Psalm 6:2-3, "Be merciful to me, Lord for I am faint; Oh Lord, heal me for my bones are in agony, My soul is in anguish.How long, oh Lord, How long?" We'll keep praying, you keep fighting!
Dave, you never cease to amaze me from the first day we met at ACI Feb. 18, 1992 in our new hire group. You have always been a remarkable man and your approach to life is to be admired. Please know that my thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family daily. If anyone can beat this horrible illness you're the Man. Take Care, Janie Crupper
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