Monday, February 18, 2008

Nausea, CT Scan is positive, So many friends

Its been a while since I’ve posted an entry. I have not felt physically well the past week. Nausea began around Tuesday increasing in intensity through the weekend. I’d recently began some new medications for my mouth that had side effects of nausea. So we shifted those medications, but the nausea only increased. We also inadvertently forgot to change my pain patch, which causes a variety of withdrawal symptoms, one of which is nausea. Since I’ve had no pain without the patch, we decided to move ahead with stopping its usage.

However, it was a casual conversation Theresa had before a rehearsal with our family doctor, who plays in the band with her, that lead to identification of the issue. He suggested the nausea was caused by an acid imbalance in my stomach due to the liquid food I’ve been consuming. Sure enough after taking a Pepcid, the symptoms reduced dramatically. We will work with the nutritionist after President’s Day to determine how to break this cycle.

On Thursday last week, I went to the hospital for a CT scan. We received a voice mail from the radiation oncologist office late Friday. She indicated the CT scan revealed positive results. Both cancerous masses are continuing to shrink. When Theresa spoke with our family doctor at band rehearsal, he indicated the CT results were impressive. I will meet with my ENT doctor this Wednesday and the radiology oncologist Thursday to receive more details. But, for now, it appears the treatment is having the desired effect on the cancerous masses. Thank you, God.

Finally, I would like to reinforce my appreciation to all of you for your support. I’m not sure this was best, but I decided early on to not respond to any blog post. I’ve found that increasingly difficult. I read every post, often more than once. I’m overwhelmed when I see posts from friends and co-workers I’ve not seen in years. I want to reach out and say, “Thank you for caring. Its so good to hear from you.” The cards, letters, emails and blog posts have come from so many different corners of my world. One doesn’t realize how many friends one has accumulated until times like this put a spotlight on that reality. I want to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for reaching out with support, no matter how small. It really does keep my spirit in the right place, and brings back many fond memories from my life experiences.


Laura said...

I'm so pleased to hear that you heard positive news this week. I think about you often and appreciate your dedication to maintaining your blog.

We speak about you around Acquity Group on a regular basis and share news different folks pick up from the blog.

I wish you continued progress in your fight.

Warm regards,
Laura Shown

Saxmonster said...

we love you Dave,
Steve and Missy

Granddaddy said...

Hello, Dave --

I'm in cold and windy Toronto and the good news from your doctors warms my heart. Blessings to you and yours!


Diane said...

Dave, we have been following your post. We thank God for you and continue to pray for your complete recovery.

Dale and Diane Boring

Lee S. Kowarski said...

I'm so happy to keep reading the positive news. Everyone at kasina, and a number of folks that I saw at the NICSA Conference in Miami this past week, sends their best wishes.

All the best to you and the family,


kctower said...

Excellent news! As you continue your recovery, and your blog posts, I've been sharing updates with Carey. Your strength and positive attitude during this fight has influenced Carey to stick to her daily date with the treadmill in preparation for her first ever 5 mile run in Chicago.

We are truly inspired. Keep on fighting.

The True family.

Unknown said...

......But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever. I praise You forever, because of what You have done, And I set my heart on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones. ......

We are praying for your physical and spiritual strength. May God accomplish thru this absolutely necessary pressure, His miraculous feats of salvation of the lost and the growth of believers, all to His Glory.